Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a new doc.

So being that I am a new mom anything weird gets taken to the doc! Being that I am also new to Kingwood, we had to find a new doc. Sad but needed. I loved LOVED dr. Rogers, so for those of you who are in Tyler, and have a little one, you should RUN to see dr. Rogers, he is truly THE GREATEST! anyways, it was an eventful time.

We get there, I am filling out paperwork and my sweet Katers is sitting in her seat, when this probably 3 year old comes out SCREAMING "Thwat Hwurt Mommy!" It HWUUURRTTSS!" its like border line yelling and just very loudly telling us that its not comfortable, and hes grabbing his upper leg...while this is going on, Kate is seriously just Laughing and cooing her head off, then as the little kid is leaving he says...I dont wanna go Mommy I wanna stay!

This was the moment i knew we needed to be here at Dr. Harpers. The day a child is yelling about his shot, but doesnt want to leave is definitly the place my kid should go to the Dr.

Then we get ushered back by this sweet little nurse, who gets us ready for weighing in...now if you know what our weighing in history looks like, this is always an exciting time for us. She gets on the scale, and drum roll please my little CHUNKER Is 12 POUNDS!!! I know CRAZY!! She is Getting SOOO big! funny though, while we are doing this, this sweet little nurse looks over to one of the doctors and says doesnt this baby look just like Patricia's baby, and the doc says, Yeah thats crazy she looks just like HIM! HIM!! What!!?!? So I look at the nurse and Im like she looks like a boy! haha...STRIKE ONE! I am now rethinking my decision, and come on people how can this little precious thing even remotely look like a boy, if anything that little boy looked like a girl!

This baby does not look like a boy...does she?

so anyways then we wait for the doc for like 10 minutes, in he comes, he is like a super sweet, younger not so big santa claus! he was so precious! Totally loving my little happy Katers...after he told me how she wasnt sick, but perfect! He then says, hold on I need to get you something, while I dress her back in her little clothes, he goes and gets this book. Its a giant HOW TO book for parents, from infant to teen! ITs really good too, and its based on Christiam principles which is fun and different...so I get it home and while Im feeding Kate, I start to look into the book...he had taken the time to write us a sweet note, jackpot, we have found our new doc. The Lord has been so good to provide such sweet ones.

SO thats about it for the day, we had a little bit of a sad night...I think the Oh so good taco soup we ate last night did not agree with Kates little tummy...and so she screamed and screamed, and I felt so bad, but here is a super cute pic of her with her lovie from yesterdays nap...so precious huh?


  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that elicited a response from me...I was like OH WOW! she's clutching the wittle bearies! soo cute....and she doesn't look like a boy...no way...that's one girly boy that Patricia has...tell ya that right now!

  2. New desktop background--Kate clutching her little bear!! OMG--I just want to squeeze her and love her and all of that! Love her, love you, love to Nick!!


  3. those last two pictures are ADORABLE. I wish my boys slept with something. i LOVE it!

  4. Those last two pictures out OUT OF CONTROL PRECIOUS! So adorable (and so lucky to have a photographer mommy to document her cuteness) :)

  5. I want you to mail me a copy of the last two pics! I want to put them in a frame!! Not even joking!!
